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Shout Box
- (10/9 17:13) ChrisHarnett: Doesn't seem very promising
- (10/6 12:46) DriverDrobina: Is this site still active?
- (10/6 12:45) DriverDrobina: I have the same concern
- (6/2 17:51) Wailinfree: is this site still active?
- (6/2 17:51) Wailinfree: is this site still active?
- (4/29 12:46) BENSCHILDGEN: Cleaning snakes nowdays SUCK!
- (12/4 22:44) dparker: Hey Brent!
- (11/26 20:46) crousfrench: I'm back. Did you miss me?
- (10/9 7:18) BENSCHILDGEN: What's going on out there?
- (6/1 18:53) dparker: dparker@ciomit.com www.ciomit.com
- (6/1 18:53) dparker: or we can do an online meeting
- (6/1 18:53) dparker: It can be dangerous. If you could send some pic
- (5/25 5:17) BENSCHILDGEN: It seemed as if it was silver brazed together
- (5/25 5:17) BENSCHILDGEN: It seemed as if it was silver brazed together
- (5/25 5:9) BENSCHILDGEN: I had an old tuba that I could not get it apart.
- (5/25 5:8) BENSCHILDGEN: I just do not know much about the whole mechainsm
- (5/24 14:2) dparker: How can I help with the clock springs?
- (5/24 14:2) dparker: How can I help with the clock springs?
- (4/26 7:20) BENSCHILDGEN: I need info on tubas with clocksprings for levers
- (4/4 8:34) dparker: Indeed! I will be posting more soon!ore soon!
- (3/30 11:36) BENSCHILDGEN: Let's try to get this site flowing again
- (7/6 19:46) Krch: My favorite is uses for electric soldering guns!
- (6/13 9:0) crousfrench: I still enjoy watching the videos over and over
- (6/13 8:59) crousfrench: I haven't seen anything new in awhile, but
- (5/31 21:36) Krch: articles...articles